The Five Worst Home Upgrades You Can Make to Your Home Before Selling It
How to Avoid Mistakes that Could Be Costly on Your Credit
Don’t Have Much to Put Toward a Down Payment? Don’t Worry
Don’t overlook these two areas of your home when preparing to sell it on the market. It just might make all the difference in your sale.
When selling your home, there are certain attractive points that buyers will look for. There are also factors that buyers will take little interest in or, worse, that will drive them away.
What We Can Expect from Amazon’s New Headquarters
Tips for Homebuyers: The Trick to Getting a Good Deal
Do you want to get the most out of a home deal?
Do you want how a 'disaster home" can be a "gem of a home" that would bring you top dollar?
When you're looking to buy a home and looking for a deal, you'll want to find something showcased in a way that is not bound to attract the attention of other buyers.
Please WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO I prepared for you as an excellent resource.
What You Should Expect to Pay for Closing Costs
A Holiday Message to You
Merry Christmas from the Greetings Virginia Sales Network. We wish you a happy holiday and hope that your season is bright.
May you share happy memories, laughter and kind cheer with your loved ones on this Christmas. We wish you love, peace, and may God’s love fill your home with blessings too. Happy Holidays!
How to Prepare for Your Next Home Purchase
Tips to Give Your Bathroom Appeal For Sale
You’re Invited to My 6th Annual Toys for Tots Event
Today I have a special invitation to extend to you. To thank you for being a part of my world, I want to invite you to my 6th Annual Toys for Tots event on December 1. As you may know, for this event I offer to buy you a Christmas tree or a wreath in exchange for an unwrapped toy that we donate to Toys for Tots. To find out more details about this year’s festivities and learn how you can RSVP, watch this short video.
Ask Your Lender These Questions Before Agreeing to a Mortgage Loan
If you’re a homebuyer, what kind of questions should you be asking your lender? Not all lenders are created equal, so asking certain questions will prevent you from running into challenges during and after the home-buying process. First of all, you need to ask what you’ll pay regarding any points or fees. To find out what else you should ask your lender, watch my latest video.
Is There a Real Estate Bubble That’s About to Pop?
By now, most of you will have heard various experts talk about how we’re either headed for or are already in a real estate bubble. However, the reality of the situation is more complicated than that. The overall market jumped from it’s low in 2009 to a much better position in 2013, and then it jumped again by a small amount between 2013 and today. What does that mean for the future? It’s hard to be sure. To hear more about the alleged real estate bubble we’re in, watch my latest video.
The 9 Things That Could Be Sabotaging the Sale of Your Home
The 5 Worst Home Upgrades You Can Make to Your Home Before Selling It
If you’re getting your home ready for the market, there are five upgrades you need to avoid making if you want to sell it for top dollar. For example, don’t make any home office improvements. If you need a home office, that’s fine, but we find that it’s better to market a home with an extra bedroom than one that has a home office. To find out what other upgrades you need to avoid when preparing your home for the market, watch my latest video.
Don’t Hire a Realtor Without Asking These Questions First
Today I’m going to answer a question one of my clients recently asked me: “What should I actually ask my real estate agent?” This can depend on whether you’re a buyer or a seller, but there are two things you should ask an agent about no matter what: their experience level and how they plan on communicating with you. Your goal should be to look for a connection. To find out what else you can ask an agent before hiring them in order to make sure they’re the right fit, watch my latest video.