EASY EXIT Listing Guarantee

Unhappy with our Service? Fire us! It's EASY!

Listen to what a few of our clients said about how we have helped them.

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Worried about being locked into a lengthy listing agreement with a less than competent real estate agent?

Do not risk costing valuable time and exposure on the market with the wrong real estate agent. Protect yourself and Hire Dan NOW!

When you list your home through our EASY EXIT Listing Guarantee, you can cancel your listing with us at any time. No hassles. It's easy.

Greetings Virginia and our team have strong opinions about real estate service. We believe that if you are unhappy with the service you receive, you should have the power to fire your agent.

It takes a strong belief in the quality of one's service to make this kind of statement, but we never settle for less than the highest professional standards. We are confident you will be happy with our service and results. That's the simple truth. We always stand behind our service.

The Guarantee:

If you are unhappy with the service we are providing you, we ask that you first discuss it with us because we would like the opportunity to improve. Simply tell Dan the problem, and give us seven days to attempt to fix it. If you are still unhappy, let us know and you will have your release in writing (you will receive a copy of the MLS data sheet showing “Withdrawn” status) within 24 hours from receipt of your request.


If there is an accepted offer (either in attorney review or fully under contract), the listing cannot be released. Broker protections as per the listing agreement continue to be in effect as explained on the listing agreement until such time as you re-list with another broker.