Real estate investing 101
In the basic form of Real Estate Investing is designed to either build WEALTH or to build CASH FLOW.
CASH FLOW is when money is coming in a consistent basis every two weeks or every month, think about your paycheck as an example of the cash flow.
Just like in real estate investing, you would buy a property, and that property would create your cash flow.
WEALTH is that same property that is generating you the cash flow, can also be increasing in regards to value and the tenants are paying the equity down or paying the mortgage down, which is increasing the equity, so that’s developing wealth.
Often times, what we see is somebody will do a fix and flip, they’ll take that money and invest it to buy and hold, they’ll hang onto that for years, and re-finance it and buy another two and vice-versa
If you have any questions about getting involved in Real Estate Investing. If you’re in Virginia, Maryland or Washington D.C, there are opportunities here in the area. I'm happy to help you out. Send me an email at Dan@greetingsvirginia.com or call me at 703-346-2776 and I’ll be glad to answer specific questions for you.

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As real estate agents, our daily routines are extremely important. How do you set yourself up for your best day in real estate? I have a few tips. First, you need to focus on your foundation. Give yourself some extra time in the morning to increase your physical or mental energy. To learn more, watch this short video.
Success isn’t a given in the real estate world. However, you can set yourself up for success by following the right systems. Some of the most successful agents in the world follow the same systems outlined in “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” by Gary Keller. It breaks success down into a science, and the results for many have been fantastic. To learn more about the science of success in real estate, watch this short video.
Success isn’t a given in the real estate world. However, you can set yourself up for success by following the right systems. Some of the most successful agents in the world follow the same systems outlined in “The Millionaire Real Estate Agent” by Gary Keller. It breaks success down into a science, and the results for many have been fantastic. To learn more about the science of success in real estate, watch this short video.
How much business does Greetings Virginia really bring in? Today, I’ve got a special guest to help me explain. Eamonn Garvey is the director of lead generation for Greetings Virginia Real Estate Network. According to Eamonn, agents are supposed to bring in 25% of business from their own sphere. Then, his department is responsible for the other 75% of the business that’s brought in. To learn more, watch this short video.
I recently had the opportunity to speak with Eamonn Garvey, who is a director of lead generation with a lot of experience. Today, he’s sharing just one of his success stories. Eamonn runs a team of partners, who he helps to generate buyer, seller, and agent leads. Through the work he does in his department, Eamonn sets up 75% of the business. At one of the many networking events he attends, Eamonn recently encountered a man who had been having trouble finding the right home. After just a brief conversation, Eamonn was able to help. To hear my full conversation with Eamonn, watch my latest video.
Lead generation is one of the key tasks of any successful real estate business. Our Director of Lead Generation, Eamonn Garvey, is here today to talk about what he has learned about lead generation since he’s been in this position. The biggest realization that he has had involves how and when it’s important to reach out to your leads. To learn more from Eamonn, watch this short video.
In the past I’ve had agents tell me that service is the most important thing in the real estate business. While ultimately service is very important, you need to have a steady pipeline of business before you can think about your level of service. That’s why I generate leads every day. Having consistent business must come first, because it means that I can in turn give my clients the highest level of service possible. To find out how I achieve a consistent balance between service and generating leads, watch this short video.