Selling your house?
There are many reasons why sellers want to sell their homes and property.
Some think it's time to change location; some need to relocate to a different city for job opportunities; others want to upgrade.
If you are thinking of the same lines, well, not necessarily all of the reasons but are contemplating the same, then this video is for you. Please watch.
Top 4 Reasons for Selling Your House
You're Feeling Too Cramped
So, you have purchased your home when it's just you and your partner. So naturally, and in most cases, your family will expand. So be it kids and parents, some people's dreams are a full house. And oh, don't forget your pets, of course!
With your family size growing, you yourself are growing 😋. Maybe you are living in a townhome, and you start noticing that things are falling off the bookshelves, so you feel that it's time to sell and find a bigger house - to upgrade your sqm or even buy another home..
You're An Empty Nester
The kids have grown up and have gone off to college, and you've got a larger property that you can hear yourself echo when you talk. Yep…. You have too much space. You get the drift… 😁 If that's the case, it's time to downsize.
The Neighborhood No Longer Works For You
You are tired before even clocking in to work your work because of the long commute.
Imagine this, you're commuting on the Beltway. You get stuck in traffic on the Beltway and then on the toll road. Everyone in front of you is stressed and in a rush! The garage is full, and you can't find parking in the city. That's a 40 or 1 ½ hours commute daily!
Not an efficient way for you to spend time on.
You know, often people come to me, and they say,
"Dan, I want to sell my house because it doesn't work for my lifestyle or my needs any longer."
Take Advantage of Today's Sellers' Market
This is the most crucial reason – You want to take advantage of today's seller's market. We've been in this market since 2009, which was at the bottom of our market; it's 2016.
So we're seven years into the cycle. Historically and traditionally, the market cycles go in 7-year cycles.
Another thing is all-time interest rates; we don't know when those interest rates will rise, but they will not go any lower. And when they do arise, it will impact the real estate the housing affordability.
Again, we're not going to know when the market will take a shift downward. However, we expect a change in the next 1 - 3 years. The only way to honestly know when it's shifted downwards is when we're looking in the rearview mirror.
If you want to have a conversation or mastermind or know a little more about your situation, you have me as a resource.
If you want to have a conversation or mastermind or know a little more about your situation, you have me as a resource.
If you want to have a conversation or mastermind or know a little more about your situation, you have me as a resource.
You can contact me: at 📱: 703-346-2776 or send me an 📧:
I look forward to answering your questions and helping you.
If you're interested to learn more about Real Estate Investing or tips and strategies about Real Estate, you can reach me at 703-346-2776 or send me an email at We will be more than happy to help you.
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Here's a list of what you need to think about before you buy, and it will walk you through what you can expect from the buying process itself, plus tips to make life easier after you buy your dream home.