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The Home Inspection Process When You're Buying a Home
Navigating Property Inspections When Purchasing in Northern Virginia
Do you need more certainty about the home inspection process when buying a property in Northern Virginia? You're not alone. Last week, one of my clients expressed concerns, prompting me to delve into this crucial aspect.
Today, we will talk to you about the home inspection process in Northern Virginia when you're out there looking to buy a home.
The Crucial Timing of Home Inspections
The home inspection process only happens for buyers after they have done their due diligence with the seller.
Picture this: You've come to a pricing agreement with the seller, and the exhilarating prospect of homeownership is becoming tangible. This point is known as "ratification," where both buyer and seller agree on the pricing and terms of the sale.
After this significant milestone, the home inspection process enters the scene. It's pivotal to safeguard your investment and ensure you know the home's condition before sealing the deal.
Once the buyer and seller agree on the price and terms of their deal, the time comes for the inspection period.
You want to protect your investment and ensure you know the condition of the home you're buying before you make the deal final. The best way to do this is with a home inspection from an ASHI-certified home inspector. This is a unique certification that holds home inspectors to a higher standard.
The Inspector Matters: Opt for Quality and Expertise
When selecting a home inspector, remember that not all inspectors are cut from the same cloth. There are varying licenses and qualifications within the field.
For the best results, I strongly recommend enlisting the services of an ASHI-certified (American Society of Home Inspectors) professional. This certification represents a commitment to a higher standard of practice and a genuine concern for your welfare as a buyer.
“Make sure your inspector is ASHI certified.”
When you get your inspection report, items will definitely be listed. However, we recommend focusing on big problems and extensive systems instead of minor cosmetic issues.
Pay special attention to any problems associated with your HVAC system, the roof, electricity, plumbing, and appliances. You can still ask the seller to repair those smaller items, depending on your situation.
What to Look for During the Home Inspection
Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of the inspection process. While inspectors will meticulously examine the property, there are specific areas you should pay extra attention to. These are the "big rocks" of a home inspection:
HVAC System: Home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are essential for comfort. Ensure they are in good working order.
Roof: The roof's condition can significantly impact your home's value and safety. Look for any signs of damage or wear and tear.
Electrical System: Faulty wiring can pose safety hazards. Ensure all electrical systems are up to code and functioning correctly.
Plumbing: Check for leaks, drainage issues, and the overall integrity of the plumbing system.
Appliances: If appliances are included with the home, ensure they are in working condition.
If you have any questions for us about home inspections or would like us to recommend a good home inspector, give us a call or send us an email. We would be happy to help out in any way we can!